
Kinergy is a Lean project, created to improve the environment. It consists of platforms installed on the ground that create energy by stepping on them or by the impact of other objects (wheelchairs, canes, etc …), or by the blow of the rain. My team and I created an MVP together with a Landing Page (, to see the reach it would have and analyze the data from it.


UX/UI Designer





kinergy hero


As a team, the first thing we did was to meet and organize our work, in this way we prioritized actions and divided part of the actions to optimize time and reach the deadline.

· Think :          

Research – Ideación

· Make :          

Supuestos –  Hipótesis – Protopersona – Protojourney – Kpis – Prototipo Hi-fi – WordPress – MVP

· Check :          

Análisis Métricas –  Análisis Mailchimp

· Conclusion:          

Iteración  –  Reflexión


The next steps were to do a research, to see what digital solutions we could find and at the same time that it would be a sustainable development, using the Lean methodology.

After several meetings sharing ideas and possible proposals we came up with three ideas that seemed very interesting:

– App to adopt dogs, but gamified through a »Nintendo Dogs» style game.

– Service for the emptied Spain, which consisted of placing machines with products and conversely that in the cities we had access to agricultural products first hand.

– An intelligent pavement system that would help to create and save energy.

Finally the chosen one was the »Intelligent pavement», which we decided to partner with MadCool to give greater visibility, and that our floor was a novelty for this festival.



We then set about creating a Matrix to establish our Assumptions, to see what our system would look like and how we were going to implement it.  Some of the assumptions were:

– We assume that people want to benefit the planet.

– We assume that people will interact more with our product if they get a bonus.

– We assume that companies will be interested in implementing our soils.

From our assumptions we start with the hypothesis, that is, we try to validate our idyllic scenario, in which people are interested in our project and we can give it viability and a future market outlet. 

For this we defined a series of KPIS and see if we could get to meet them, some were:

– 20% of users are interested in the App (how many users click on download).

– 8% of companies are interested in our products (how many users click on »for companies»).

The next thing we did was to create a ProtoGroup and a ProtoJourney, to help us defend and empathize more with our project and possible users interested in it.

In which we talked about the motivations, frustrations, and behaviors of our ProtoGroup, and in the ProtoJourney what would be the ideal scenario in which our product would intervene and its use would be justified

With a matrix of key performance indicators (KPIs), we established our general objectives for our system and the strategies we were going to carry out to achieve them.

Thus, we decided to create SSRs for our project both on Twitter and Instagram and to carry out Mailchimp campaigns. The truth is that we had positive feedback, as we got companies interested in our services writing to us on Instagram.



After establishing the KPIs and concluding the research phase, I started to generate a style guide starting with the chromatic range that the landing and the app would have.

I opted for a matte black tone and green as an echo element, to give a bit of seriousness to the project and make it distinguished, as a contrast color I chose orange as it had a good contrast ratio.

Regarding the typography, I chose Poppins for the highlights as it characterizes a more casual touch, and for the body or «UX Copy» the one used was Karla, as they shared the X-axis, and gave the right tone to the brand.

As for the logo I opted for something simple and typographic, characterizing the «Y» of Kinergy as a lightning bolt, referring to the energetic functionality of the brand.


The landing page was created in WordPress, we divided it into 6 parts, the Hero and 5 introductory sections to the product and our services, as well as a section to get leads and another for our social networks


Landing Kinergy


After launching the Landing and moving it around different networks and forums, we spent a week collecting data with Hotjar and GoogleAnalytics, to see if we had met the KPIs.


The truth is that we accomplish almost all the objectives we had set, so we decided to iterate the web and improve some sections and positioning to see if in the future we reached all the KPIs expected. In 15 days we managed to launch an MVP to the street getting users to believe that it is real. The lean methodology has as a pretext »fail fast but fail cheap, to succeed faster».

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More info in Medium (Spanish)