We then set about creating a Matrix to establish our Assumptions, to see what our system would look like and how we were going to implement it. Some of the assumptions were:
– We assume that people want to benefit the planet.
– We assume that people will interact more with our product if they get a bonus.
– We assume that companies will be interested in implementing our soils.
From our assumptions we start with the hypothesis, that is, we try to validate our idyllic scenario, in which people are interested in our project and we can give it viability and a future market outlet.
For this we defined a series of KPIS and see if we could get to meet them, some were:
– 20% of users are interested in the App (how many users click on download).
– 8% of companies are interested in our products (how many users click on »for companies»).
The next thing we did was to create a ProtoGroup and a ProtoJourney, to help us defend and empathize more with our project and possible users interested in it.
In which we talked about the motivations, frustrations, and behaviors of our ProtoGroup, and in the ProtoJourney what would be the ideal scenario in which our product would intervene and its use would be justified