Smart WiFi - ES/BR

Smart WiFi is a mobile and TV application of Telefonica that serves to manage the connectivity of your home (both in Spain and Brazil), as UX/UI and product designer, my work has consisted in improving the usability of the App as well as working on new improvements that facilitate and improve the product for users.


Product Designer


Figma · Adobe Tools · Jira




Working for the Smart WiFi App, leading design projects and improvements in home connectivity, such as Gaming, Video Calling, or Digital Security among others. 

Working together with other UXers, stakeholders, programmers, engineers, POs… to ideate, create and test solutions for the company and improve the product.

· Prototyping and testing to validate different products.

· Create and run wireframes and testing.

· Contribute and define new components and elements for Telefonica’s Design System.

· Create visual assets for the company.

· Detect Pain Points and work on functional solutions.

· Analyze data and analytics to see where there is room for improvement.




In this company I am involved in all the Design steps. 

From meetings with the product owner, business or marketing to the final development phase where I have been in charge of making sure that the developments had the same quality or very similar to the proposed designs, analysing the previous ones uploaded to the test environments.

 And keep home connectivity interesting for the user through new iterations and improvements.


For more info about my rol in this project or others  please contact me 

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