Orange - ES

I worked for Orange Spain as a UX/UI Designer. Utilising the best UX/UI practices, it was my goal to achieve the goals that we had inside the »Tribu Digital» improving the interface and the usability and making the digital environment more usable and attractive for the user.


UX/UI Designer


Figma · Adobe Tools ·  Visual Studio




 I worked in two squads, «Quiero +» and «Compro +» with agile methodology using Jira and Confluence, these squads were in charge of selling and improving the offers and products that users already had, apart from improving different contracting flows for both Web and App environments.

· Overview         


· Goals          


· Research :          

Benchmarking –  User Persona – User Journey – Stakeholders meeting

· Design :          

Prototype High Fidelity –  New Components – Create new user flow 

· Validate :          

Testing – Iterate  –  Check The Designs with Development team


Orange is a telecommunications company, which launches products and line packs regularly, and needs to implement these improvements and changes online.

During my time at the company I have worked on several projects like:

· Shopping cart

· TV contracting

· New tariffs for customers and companies

· Improvements in the App (Mi Orange) and promotions with partners (Amazon, Netflix) 

· Orange Games

· And also improving the UI area of the MDS creating new components, icons and illustrations.



In this company I was involved in all the Design steps. 

From meetings with the product owner, business or marketing to the final development phase where I have been in charge of making sure that the developments had the same quality or very similar to the proposed designs, analysing the previous ones uploaded to the test environments.

The main goal was to maintain consistency in all the devices and focus on the specific interaction of each of them to not lose usability and keep a good user experience.

In this page I will explain the improvement of the shopping cart, in which I was involved as UX/UI.



The first thing I did was to have several meetings with all the POs and teams that were involved to define the different features of the project and the actual scope it was going to have.
Then I collected all the information I could about similar companies. As well as the content they have and the architecture information of the site.

And analyse the different shopping carts that we had inside the company and detect the improvement points based on the analyse of analytics and user feedback.


For the Design I followed the styles that the brand had, so I tried to keep it fresh using new components that were defined and and try to improve the UI and Ux as much as possible, to make it more attractive and usable for digital channel users.

The great complexity of this task was to unify the customers with different tariffs, i.e., the oldest and the new ones we launched to the market, since depending on the user profile they had different contracting flows and could contract different elements (TV, extra telephone line, etc.) And also  we had two shopping carts depending if the user enters from the user area or the shopping page.

So the challenge was to establish the different flows for the users but keeping it simple and similar between them.

I also created new components for this new contracting flow.


I worked on the definition and design of a new order summary, so that the user could have in a clearer and more orderly way all the changes, modifications or upgrades that had been made in his order.


I also worked on the definition and creation of a new flow, for users who had old tariffs and wanted to improve some aspect of it, (Fiber, Lines, TV, Internet second home, etc.).

In this part we also took into account the casuistry of the cases where it was not possible to implement such improvement, due to geographical problems or because the user already had the maximum of such improvement.



In conclusion the project was complicated, because there were many stakeholders with opposing views, and I had to adapt two carts at once, apart from their responsive versions and had to have a consistency and improved usability.

After several usability tests we analysed improvement points that we implemented in the design, to improve navigation and the flow of contracting or improving services.

As there were many technical development dependencies and technical complexities, the project had to be divided into several MVPs in order to be able to implement improvements in different sprints.

We had an increase of:
 – 38% + of direct traffic
 – 26,12%+ of user views
 An a drop of the 30,97% of bounce rate.


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