Seguridad Ciudana Madrid

As Briefing we had to improve the security in Madrid, in streets,  the subway or other public space, the client the City Council of Madrid. 


UX/UI Designer


Design Thinking




The first thing we did was structure the tasks that we were going to do and empathize with the problems to be dealt with. In this way we began to analyze what were the most frequent crimes or attacks in Madrid. For this project we use the Design Thinking methodology. In this way we will analyze the context of the problem to be processed to generate effective solutions.

· Research :          

Briefing – Research Questions – Desk Research – Netnography – Safari – Shadowing – Experts Interviews – Questionaries

· Análisis  :          

User Persona –  Mapa de empatía – User Journey – Insight 

· Ideación :          

Priority Matrix –  MoSCoW – Propuesta de Valor – Benchmarking – Site Map – Flow Chart

· Diseño :          

Prototype Low Fidelity  – Wire Flow – Prototype High Fidelity – Style Guide 

· Validación :          

Testing – Iteration  –  Analyze Results


 We began analyzing what were the most frequent crimes or attacks in Madrid.

The next thing we did was prepare some Research Questions, taking into account the city council, the users and the competencies, to know which direction we were going to take with the project, some of the highlights were:

· Could all the streets be illuminated?

· Could external companies collaborate with the city council?

Then we did the Desk Research and Netnography and some of the data that stood out the most were:

· Increased robbery / theft and sexual assault.

· Madrid is the third city in Spain with the highest crime.

· The district where more crimes occur more is the Center.

The next thing we did was a Safari and a Shadowing, which consisted of going outside and analyzing the behavior of «suspicious» people, both potential thieves and tourists, and targets of pickpockets. We were lucky in our search, as we were able to locate some plain-clothes policemen identifying some pickpockets and also an arrest for theft.

The next day we launched a survey to see what was the opinion of citizens on this issue. We obtained a total of 75 respondents, some of the most outstanding responses were:

· 55% have suffered some type of crime, of which the most common are theft and robbery.

· 57% did not report the facts. 41% said it was a waste of time and 80% would like to report effectively online.

After conducting the surveys, we did some interviews with experts in the sector. In our case, it was two police officers and a social worker. Some of the information we obtained were:

· There are more women in prison for public health crime such as drug distribution. Men really are the ones who distribute it but they bear the blame.

· Much more police presence is needed, complementing private security with public security.

· The law in Spain is very permissive.


After the research, we decided to empathize more with the users affected by this problem, which is why we created 3 User Personas. Based on behaviors and with a specific context to help us in the process and definition of our research.

After creating the User Persona, we developed their respective empathy maps, to put ourselves in their shoes: «what they think, feel, hear, say, do and see».

The next thing was to create the User Journey, to see in an everyday day if they were facing these problems and thus detect their pain points, which were:

· Agustina: «Complaint process very coarse and not very agile.»

· David: «Lonely unconscious person did not receive immediate attention.»

· Paula: «Police ineffectiveness when offering security to women when they walk at night.»


The next thing we did was create a Priority Matrix based on cost and privacy. In this way, each member of the group expressed their ideas with a post it, to better visualize the solutions and what their real cost would be. The chosen one was finally:

· App / Screens on the street to process complaints.

After having the chosen idea we asked ourselves:

«Can we improve the UX of the citizens of Madrid in the police stations?»

For this we had several challenges, to make our system attractive:

· Streamline the complaint process.

· Gamify the citizen for good conduct (since he could denounce other people’s cases)

· Promote citizen collaboration.

After having oriented our App, we created a MoSCoW, to specify what our system would carry, such as:

· Be able to choose the language.

· Identify by DNI / Passport

· View status of complaint / process.

We also make a Value Proposition, to validate our product in this way we identify the user’s needs and how to solve them with our product / service.



When we knew how our application would be, we began to study and see what was out there and if there were similar or complementary applications to improve ours.

That is why we decided to do an internal and external Benchmarking of Apps such as:

· Alertacops

· Eirzaintza

· Citizen

· Cusco


Information Architecture 


We did the Site Map in order to organize the information and the sections of our App/System.

· Denunciar (Report)

· Estado de la Denuncia (Report Status)

· Bonificaciones (Rewards)

Following the Site Map we did a Flow Chart to see the navigation and the interactions that the future users could do inside of our App.


Regarding the design, I took care of it entirely and the first thing I did was to create a minimalist logo, but one that reflected the character of the application. So I decided to take the acronym of Seguridad Ciudadana Madrid and call it SCM and make some diagonal cuts to give it a more edgy character.

As for the colors we use the color range of the Madrid City Council adding a magenta tone as a contrast color.

Regarding the fonts, I used the Work Sans for the logo since it gave it a somewhat more modern style, so it would be more attractive to the new generations, but not too much in order to keep it with the older generations. And for the App I used the Lato since it provided a jovial but serious vibe at the same time.

The next thing that was done was the wireframes in Low-Fi, to see how the content would go. the distribution and arrangement of this, was done with Balsamiq-Mockups, to later pass it to Hi-Fi using Figma.

The last thing we did was a testing with 7 users to get real feedback from the application and see where we failed and got it right, to later iterate the product.


SCM was a complex but interesting project to carry out, since we got quite involved in the research and dedicated a lot of our time to conducting interviews, safari, benchmarking, surveys, among others. But thanks to Design Thinking, we managed to find a solution guided by the needs of users and test with real users to see the true utility they need.

More info in Medium (Spanish)

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