Seat Genesis

Seat a car company was in need of upgrades in order to keep relevant, and participate in the industry 4.0 (make the software more relevant). Utilizing the best UX/UI practices, it was our goal to improve the software, and create a product interesting for the users.


UX/UI Designer


Design Sprint




As team the first we did was create a Kanban Board through Trello, in order to organize the tasks that we had to do in the next 5 days. 

· Understand :          

Sprint Questions – Journey Map – Experts Interview – How might we – Objetive

· Diverge :          

Desk research –  Lighting Demos – Crazy 8 

· Decide :          

Vote Best Ideas –  Art Museum – Story Board

· Prototype :          

Prototype Low Fidelity  –  Prototype High Fidelity – Style Guide 

· Validate :          

Iterate  –  Analyze Results  

The Solution

The next steps were read the Briefing and start working on a solution, so we started defining our goal through the Sprint Questions, we had more than 50 (How Might We?). This Method allowed the team to find new ideas or solutions, in order to improve the resolution of our project.

We had the chance to interview an expert in Tesla cars, we had a really good point of view, and insights that help us to guide our project in a more accurate way.

A Journey Map with 3 Proto Personas, helped us to see how the users would develop in different scenarios.

Finally the chosen idea was «How to rent a User’s private car?»

So we decided to design a Mobile App, for rent or offer your own car, and a system for an intelligent car, who drives without a driver, like a robot taxi.

WhatsApp Image 2019-12-17 at 22.11.19 (1)
WhatsApp Image 2019-12-17 at 21.37.31 2
WhatsApp Image 2019-12-17 at 22.11.20


In order to contextualize and differentiate from the  car selling side of Seat, I created »Seat Genesis», and why »Genesis»? Because it means new and origen, that is to say, the change and new step that Seat needs to keep her brand relevant.


The SG project, was an intense 5 day of non stop work, that took a lot of hours to design and create. After the user testings I did some changes on the interface, in order to improve the user experience of both Apps. In my Opinion Design Sprint a fantastic experience to empathize with the team mates, and the final user, also organize your time with short deadlines is very productive and helps to prioritize  your tasks. 


More info in Medium (Spanish)


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