Now Online - Net Claro

Now Online is a streaming platform operating in Brazil. Utilizing the best UX/UI practices, it was my goal to improve the Interface and the usability of the system and give a new fresh look.


UX/UI Designer


Sketch · Zeplin · Abstract · Invision




As team the first we did was create an Airtable, in order to organize the tasks that we had to do.

· Overview         


· Goals          


· Research :          

Benchmarking –  User Persona – User Journey

· Design :          

Prototype Low Fidelity  –  Prototype High Fidelity – Style Guide 

· Validate :          

Testing – Iterate  –  Analyze Results  


NetNow is a multi platform streaming service that operates in Brazil and wants to improve their usability and their interface, who wants a multi-device redesign for their platform.

In addition to their streaming content, offers the possibility of live tv and listen to some music. It also allows you to manage the rental of content and subscriptions.




In this project I was involved in all the Design steps. The business objective was to create a new visual interface and improve the navigation and the experience of the users when they are looking for some content and make their journey more satisfactory. Also adding a new search feature to find content in a more interesting way.

The main goal was to maintain consistency in all the devices and focus on the specific interaction of each of them to not lose usability and keep a good user experience.



The first thing I did was collect all the information I could about similar platforms and steaming systems. As well as the content they have and the architecture information of the site.

We create some User Personas with their User Journey to see which were the pain points and how the new features would solve the problem. The next step was to make a testing with real users of the service to find some insights in order to iterate the new design.


For the Design I followed the styles that the brand had, so I simplified a lot of the information that the old design had in order to keep it fresh and more user friendly.

Beside of the redesign I also did a new feature search and change the design of the »search section»

The new search feature works perfectly because Net Claro is a platform that has a lot of content and a lot of variety, and one way of improving the user experience was to provide the user with the most viewed content according to their geographical area, that is to say , depending on the area in which this the top would vary.
It would be shown as:

  • In the home a top 10 of the most watched in the week would appear, with all the contents mixed, that is, both series, movies and live TV programs.
  • If the user clicks in »Most viewed this week », it would take him to a screen where it would be divided into three parts:

           1 – Top TV Shows
            2 – Top Live Programs
            3 – Top Movies

For the search section we divided it into 4 sections, the contents would appear in terms of the relevance of the content, that is, the most viewed at those times, the content would be divided into:

  • TV shows
  • Live Programs
  • Movies
  • Actors

We decided not to add more filters to specify the content search, since after the research we could see that none of the «Greats» in the competition did it, they only organized the content according to relevance or alphabetical order, mainly because in TV versions would be very complex and would have a very bad usability when changing several filters with the remote.



The new design will have a more visual impact on the users and also their user experience will be more satisfactory. The testings helped us to find more insights to iterate the design and functionality of the product
The definition of each functionality has always been done in close collaboration with the product owner and with constant communication with the Android, iOS and web development teams to find out about the possibilities of each technology.

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